Well, while I haven't been able to write for a while, that's because I've been doing all homework!
However, be prepared for the next blog: because it includes my 21st Birthday and the Waterford Factory!!!!!
that's right, 5 days until turn the legal age to drink in the US. Of course, my study abroad director decided to have the final dinner that night, which kind of sucks; however, we are going to a karaoke bar. So, I am pretty pumped about that!
Last Saturday, Janelle, Alex, and I went to the Jameson Factory. And while it should have taken a total of fifteen minutes to walk there, it took a god hour because we got horribly lost. But it was well worth it!
[Pretty chandelier over the bar]

[The balcony.]

[Irish Coffee: uh. maze. ing.]

[Alex and I with our drinks. I was tired. Forgive my appearance.]

[John Jameson, himself.]

[This cat used to kill all the mice that went into the distillery. It's really stuffed...]

[A man carrying sacks of barley. Don't worry, he's not stuffed.]

[A man sifting through the barley.]

[One of the original washbacks. If you rub this, you get five years of good luck. I rubbed it. Here's to hoping.]

[A washback.]
[[The whiskey goes through three sifting machines to get the water out so it's a good-enough alcohol level.]

[Our guide (who was on his sixth tour of the day and hilariously delirious) showing us the stages the whiskey matures.]

[Alex got to do whiskey tasting at the end: comparing scotch to Jameson to Jim Beam.]

Last night I made my flatmates REAl Mexican food (relatively: Ireland has a very small supply of actually Mexican food, so there were some substitutions...), with Chicken Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, and Chips and Guac. It was such a great hit! I adore my flatmates! I got so lucky with them! Oh, and Sean bought ice cream for dessert and that was actually my favorite part. I'm such a chocoholic, it's distgusting!
On Saturday, a group of us is taking a three hour bus-ride to the Waterford Chrystal factory and I couldn't be more excited! (Thank you, Schumann, for the tip!) Then, Monday is two of my friends going away party. Tuesday is MY BIRHDAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
Then it's essays, essays, essays, essays. Oh, and some traveling by myself that I'm excited for.
Hi Katie, love the pics and comments as usual!! So lucky you are to have made great friends and seen so many things and soaked up a lot of history. The crystal factory will be overwhelming to be sure!! So two of you will be leaving on Monday, where will they be going back home or just traveling? Happy 21st birthday ahead of time!! Can't believe that you are 21 already. So you will be traveling alone, be careful and enjoy!! Write all your essays, take care, and have fun.
ReplyDeleteNext time take some French at ASU and we'll go back to Brussels and tell them what impolite people they are. That will give true meaning to just desserts. Ha.
I'd tell you about all the exciting trips I took but rehab, lung draining, MRI's, etc. aren't that exciting. I'm home and healing a little more each day.
Grandpa Jim
Grandpa Jim
Katie don't forget to get everyone's address so you can stay in touch over the years!! Who knows you might be able to go back again sometime and visit them!! Are your flatmates from Ireland or all kinds of places? Or are they from A.S.U.? We talked to Grandpa Jim night before last and he is still the same funny guy as always, he will just have a long road to recouping from all this but he will never fear!! Other than Scotland where do you plan to travel? Have a super birthday Katie, we love ya!
Judy & Barry