I was not one of them.
We were told we could use our GNIB (Card-version of a passport you need to stay in Ireland over 90 days) card to get on the airplane. We were misinformed. So, we ran to the bus stop and payed extra for a bus ride of four and a half hours to Cork, instead of the 30 minute plane flight.
Oh, and this is after they took my very expensive face wash because it was too big of a liquid.
We arrive to our incredibly ghetto hostel in an incredibly sketch part of the neighborhood.

After climbing up the scariest flight of stairs in the world (it was like a wet, hobbit stairwell- I almost had to stop and turn around because I felt like I couldn't breathe!) I was able to kiss the Blarney Stone and look at the fantastic countryside.

When we got back into Cork we walked around for a tad, up the most ginormous hill to take some pretty pictures on a grassy area.

After that adventure, we were all so tired and, I'm sorry Colton, but all there is to do is shop and we were all terribly out of money. So, we spent what little we had left on the most delicious Butler's Bailey's Cheesecake in the world. Worth every penny!

We were ablt to get on the flight back home, praise Jesus, and then, to top off our weekend, had the taxi driver from Hell with Road Rage, the unability to speak clear english, and a just plain bad driver.
There were some high's, like dinner, Blarney, and pie, but hopefully I'll be able to laugh about it later.
Word of the Blog:
"Blarey": bullcrap.